Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Prepare to Drool

Okay, Okay I know this is totally cheesy but I truly enjoy grocery shopping. Tonight when I walked out the door to head to one of my all time favorite grocery stores the sky was just gorgeous so I knew I was in for some good shopping. Sprouts Farmers Market is amazing! They sell tons of organic foods, specialty meats, fresh fruits and veggies, and my favorite...the aisles of "scoop your own" trail mix! Their trail mixes are to die for! My favorite is the Carmel Delight full of chocolate chips, dried cranberries, almonds, and delicious little chewy caramel balls. The S'mores mix is also fabulous! And how could I possibly forget the tasty cherry yogurt covered pretzels.


  1. dude! sprouts is awesome! and they're very gluten free friendly, SO that's aNOTHer score for me. :)

  2. I'm so glad someone else agrees with me on how freaking amazing sprouts is!

  3. I share your love of grocery shopping. I actually get excited when I walk into the grocery store!
