Monday, November 9, 2009

Utterly Inspiring..

I am often blown away by the ways people express their creativity. Above are two amazing displays of artistic skill and finese. If you take a closer look at the works of Guido Daniele and James Kuhn you'll notice all of these paintings are actually on the human body. It's amazing how Daniele forms his hands and arms into appearing like and animal and I certainly cannot get over the ways that Kuhn blends his facial features into the object he is portraying. I love how he uses his own eyes for the eyes on some of the face painting!! Be sure to check out their sites for other amazing works. Which one is your favorite?


  1. I've seen some of these before, but they get me every time. Absolutely amazing. The one of the lips looks like a photograph!

    Thanks for the compliment on my page. If you ever want in on a Let It Out Monday, just shoot me an e-mail at I'd love to post something from you!

    Let me know,

  2. Thanks for checking out my blogFai!

    I totally want to participate in your Let It Out Monday sometime soon. Couldn't think of a better way to say what's really on my mind.

    Look for an email from me soon,
